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of risk of drowning is reduced by formal swimming lessons.


of child drownings were being supervised by one or both parents.


of drowning deaths occur at non-designated swim times.


of children ages 4-17  can perform all 5 basic swimming skills.

Our Mission

SWIM ON’s mission is to eliminate drowning by raising awareness of the dangers of drowning by providing information on the layers of protection that prevent drowning and by implementing programs that help to reduce drowning.

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Nicholas' Story

It was September 1982. The weather was unseasonably warm at the farm when the 22-month-old Nicholas joined the other children in their game of tag; he loved “chase games”. Perhaps he slipped as he was running. Perhaps he reached for a toy in the pool. The 12 year-old who had stayed in the pool found him at the bottom in the shallow end. No adults had seen him go in. We desperately tried to revive him. Air-lifted to the hospital, they managed to bring him back sufficiently enough to put him on life support. He never regained consciousness. The “if’s” are endless: If Nicholas had been taught how to roll over and float, how to be visible, providing precious seconds. If we had known about “Water Watcher” badges clearly designating supervision. If we had been better trained in CPR. But no number of "if’s" will bring him back.​

Water Ripple

Let's Make Swimming

Click on each letter to learn more about the 5 Layers of Protection that can and do prevent drowning.


Get Certified

View our prevention page to learn more about drowning prevention and then take this quiz to become "SWIM ON Certified."


Rivers & Lakes

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Summer may be ending but not all swimming is. 

Pools are still inviting. 70% of child drownings happen at non-swim times but swim lessons reduce drowning.

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Radio Campaign

Swim LessonsSWIM ON Foundation
00:00 / 00:30
CPRSWIM ON Foundation
00:00 / 00:30
FencingSWIM ON Foundation
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View our video page to learn more about drowning prevention and more.

SWIM ON Foundation is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization. EIN: 83-4306115 

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